The mission of Orange County Economic Development Partnership (OCEDP) is to improve the Quality of Life of Orange County citizens and promote business vitality through activities that stimulate economic development. As part of our Business Retention & Expansion efforts our

goal is to help our current small business owners streamline processes so that they are working efficiently and have a clear understanding of their bottom line. In 2023 we will be hosting a few different training sessions based on specific industry needs. On March 9th and 10th a two-day QuickBooks Online Workshop course taught by Kari Johnson’s Penny Tracker LLC was held in French Lick and was offered as a FREE opportunity to community members in Orange County that owned a business or worked within a small business managing their financials, sponsored by OCEDP. “Understanding the numbers is crucial to the success of any business, especially for small businesses or entrepreneurs that are looking to start a new business. Not all business owners have a financial background so bookkeeping can be intimidating. We thought it was important to provide an opportunity for business owners to learn the basics and advanced time saving skills which will help them continue to grow in their business,” said Kristal Painter, Executive Director.

Penny Tracker LLC is a provider of business financial resources, organizational workflow, and strategic planning. Penny Tracker LLC also overs individual and group training workshops covering topics such as, QuickBooks Online, QuickBooks Desktop, understanding financial statements, strategic planning, and organizational workflow. “I started Penny Tracker because I’ve watched so many entrepreneurs struggle with their financial tracking, organizational workflow, and strategic planning. Most could make so much more money if they knew where their finances stood and could focus their energy on the things that generate profit. I seek to make financial tracking simple for small business owners,” Penny Tracker LLC’s owner Kari Johnson.

’If you are looking for a course that teaches you all of the essentials to managing your financials in Quickbooks Online, this is the course you need to take. Kari is a wonderful teacher and makes bookkeeping easy to understand. After taking her course I was able to go back to work and immediately apply what I learned in the class,” said Brandon Query, Program Director, Habitat for Humanity OC.

With small businesses making up the majority of our business inventory within Orange County trainings like this are valuable to workers or owners that are new to the industry or are looking to sharpen their skills on financials or even bring this service as an in-house operation.

Orange County Economic Development Partnership
Kristal Painter